Hiya! I'm Kat.


I'veĀ been a home alchemist, healer, and coach for over 15 years and a DJ for even longer.

I'm not someĀ magical guru who's above anyone. I'mĀ just a hoarder at heart, that's struggled with ADHD, anxiety, and depression, and gave up play for too many years.

I have a healthy dose of OCD, hear dead people, andĀ love to DJ.

I love collections, things, stuff...would have been ace to have in your hunter-gatherer tribe.Ā I'm Pigpen incarnate and leave a trail of things behind me wherever I go.Ā 

So how the hell can I help you?Ā 

Because I've helped myself, and now thousands of others to simplify, heal, and play.šŸ‘‡

Short version: I've learned to use neuroscience to create simplifying habits that stick, done a deeeeeeeeep dive into my own psyche with therapists and healers, and brought the play back into my life.

Ā Longer version:Ā I don't collect stuff anymore, I clean up my trail of things almost immediately, healed my anxiety and depression, and I've made a point to focus on all the things in the photos below that light up my soul.

I've moved 22 times. 22 TIMES. And each time, it's been a lesson in keeping the things I love and letting go of the rest.Ā 

In 2007, around the 10th move, that's when I realized if I felt better with less stuff, other people would too, and I started The Simplified Life.

Fast forward to 2022 (what a decade that year was, am I right?!) and I found myself unceremoniously simplifying the shit out of my own life.

Life had gotten...complicated. AirBnBs, rentals, catering, courses, events, coaching, home organizing... And then, everything I'd built in Silicon Valley came crashing down (a story for another time) and I moved backĀ near family in the Central Valley.

From the 1% life to "tiny house living" in my glamping trailer (her name is Grace and she's a 1961 Aloha).

I had lost everything but gained clarity, peace, and purpose.Ā 

I'm here to help you save time, tears, and hopefully a lot of money on therapy and home organizers.

I believe we are here to love, connect, and experience joy and play in our lives.Ā As a society, we seem to have lost the plot on that one. ButĀ hey, welcome to the Great Awakening. I'm so stoked to be your guide. šŸ˜‰Ā 

Welcome to the Kat Haus where we take the shit, alchemize it into gold, and always land on our feet. We have fun here.

Join my courses, hang out in The Sanctuary, or say hi on InstagramĀ and Twitch.

Bye for now, Kittens!


My heart, my soul:

Being outside, my 1971 Land Rover, being a flight attendant for Virgin America, Pony, paddle boarding at Lake Tahoe, doing silly tourist shit, Groove Armada, DJing, and snowboarding (find the boards).