Get Shit Done Hour Feb 23, 2024

You keep hearing me email and post about the "Get Shit Done Hour".

Short Version:

Music is uplifting on a vibrational level AND we are 95% more likely to accomplish something if we SCHEDULE IT and have an accountability partner. 

So...I bring the music, you bring the project.

See you...

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Twitch 101 Feb 23, 2024

I get it. Not another platform, Kat.

Hear me out. 

We host the get shit done hour(s) every Tuesday from 6-9 pm PST and it's been through a few iterations.

First, it was on Zoom, but that was boring, then I was tried to make it more inclusive so I streamed it to the Facebook group. FB was...

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I suppose I haven't changed much 😆 Dec 11, 2023
I found an old blog from college still online. Didn't want to lose the words and thought how uncanny it is that people tell us we don't know who we are when we're in college, and yet...we do.
philosophy at 21...
am i religious? no.
do i have...
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